Wednesday, 8 March 2017


Unique creatures, endowed with virtue, great dreams and abilities;
Filled with unending love for theirs and more;
Able to handle many tasks with just two hands;
But restricted by what is expected of them,
And faced with a world that says men first, women next.
This mindset paralyses some who sit and wait to be only what they are told they can be.
Becoming like genies locked up behind walls of fear and insecurity:
Fear of succeeding, fear that their successes will affect their relationships,
Fear of being looked upon as proud, not submissive, domineering and what have you.
They let go and choose to live with the dreams,
Dreams of what could have been, but would never be.
Some others get irritated with this belief.
They decide to be all that they can be, irrespective of gender.
They walk through walls and wade through waters,
Trying desperately to prove their worth, to men that they can be better.
They are feared and respected, but they look down on the other,
Grateful each day that they did not surrender to the feminine slaughter.
These two break my heart, they have missed it altogether.
They have chosen to live as they can, but missed something vital;
They have not dealt with insecurity.
Putting a knife to me, does not prove my love or devotion to him,
Looking down on him does not make me the victor.
I need to believe in myself and be the best that I can be, but also nurture relationships by not being mean.

Happy International Women’s day celebration,
Omonefe Eruotor.
Copyright © 2016 Omonefe Oisedebamen Eruotor
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